Mark Twain once said something to the effect of "The best cure for Christianity is to read the Bible.". I could not find that quote to be more true. I was a baptist for the first part of my life, brought up in church. No one in a religious setting teaches critical thinking, no one teaches any alternatives. Unconditional believe in God is the contention, no defense. Indoctrination of children is such a low move. I know a great many people who have not yet thought about their faith through the lens of reason, all of their refutations to my arguments boil down to the basic Christian contention in which you must accept what's said on faith. I posed once the question "Why is proof of the Bible's legitimacy dependent on the Bible's legitimacy?", I posed it in written format, but it was a few months ago and I have yet to receive a response. The people I submitted it to are the youth leaders at our local church. I asked a few more questions in person and the responses I got were based on believing on faith. I'm incredibly skeptical, I normally defend evolution in debates, but I'm yet to be entirely convinced of it's validity. For the majority of the time I'm happy living the life I have and I don't need to know why I have it. I have life, emotions, needs, interests, many better things to do than to try to find out if life has some grandiose meaning. If there is a God, he should understand and respect that, but at least the Christian God doesn't. It seems unfair and even cruel to me to create people who have the ability to reason and question, require they believe in the creator, and provide no proof that a creator exists but a book which is very unfounded. The idea here is either you believe in God, or he'll torment you eternally. Seeing as there's no proof of life after death or God, I'd not be too concerned. There are people who believe that they've been in heaven while they were dead on an operating table or the like. Scientists have frequently postulated that these are hallucinations, I personally subscribe to that explanation. I won't go into the scientific process here, but I'll post an article at the end. As the article reads, DMT is released into the body along with sedatives/pain relievers/what have you. That seems enough to cause a hallucinogenic response when the consciousness is subdued. Physiology is something Christians don't need though, as proven by the Bible. The Bible often talked about believing, thinking, loving, so one... In the heart, which of course, is absurd.
Exodus 7:3 But I will harden Pharaoh's heart...
Exodus 9:12 But the Lord hardened the heart of Pharaoh...
Psalm 14:1 The fool says in his heart "There is no God."...
Psalm 37:31 The law of God is in his heart...
Proverbs 23:7 For as he thinks in his heart, so is he...
Daniel 1:8 But Daniel purposed in his heart...
Matthew 5:28 ...committed adultery with her in his heart.
Mark 8:17 And Jesus, aware of this, said to them... ...are your hearts hardened?
Mark 11:23 ...does not doubt in his heart...
Luke 6:45 A good man out of the treasure of his heart...
2 Corinthians 9:7 Each on must do just as he has purposed in his heart...
Ephesians 4:18 ...due to their hardness of heart.
Hebrews 3:8 Do not harden your hearts...
I personally see that coming from the blood pressure and heart rate changes when certain emotions or other stimuli are experienced. An all-intelligent designer should know this though. Unless maybe daddy didn't remember to tell Jesus about biology. Why would you need that when you're capable of spitting into someone's eye and restoring their sight. Miracles raise some problems too. Religion has set science back incredibly because it was considered blasphemous and sacrilegious to consider anything which might contradict God. The punishment for being thought of as blasphemous could range from social exclusion to exile to death throughout history. Of course, if it's God who is angry, your entire city may be in danger. God's track record of killing entire populations is nearly, if not completely, unmatched. Cities with infants, destroyed. Several times in the Bible, God directly tells Israel's armies to flatten cities, killing infants. Now about about abortion, Christians. Cities full of people are just a mark on God's genocidal list. What's more disturbing yet is how people defend God's brutal acts. Is something "moral" because God does it? Is it right to wipe out people who have never wronged you if God tells you to? Think about it. If God told you to kill your friend, right now. Would you, and would it be right? Why hasn't God told anyone to do things like that, well... Anyone but the Muslims. God doesn't perform any miracles which can be proven at this point in time. I submit that if there is a God, he no longer pays attention or cares. Think about it, creation was supposed to be about 8,000 years ago. Roughly 6,000 years before Jesus was born. Throughout that time God was very active. He was burning bushes, parting seas, sending plagues, destroying towns, feeding people... Then Jesus leaves. He promises to come back of course, but it's been 2,000 years and no so much as a clue as to where he is. Again, I submit that he no longer cares if he ever existed at all.
Near-death experience (linked to the biological section, but the page is more complex)
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