Saturday, January 7, 2012

Rick Perry - Strong

     This has probably been hashed to death already...  Rick Perry's "Strong" video, one of the most idiotic campaign ads I've yet to see.  This 'brilliant' work starts out with Rick making the statement that he is a christian, and not afraid to admit it.  Statistics aside (82% of Americans are christian), who the hell cares really.  I mean, he might pick up a couple of right-wing votes with that, but seriously?  His next line states that " don't need to be in the pew every Sunday to know there's something wrong in this country when gays can serve openly in the military but our kids can't openly celebrate Christmas or pray in school.".  Actually, Rick...  Most atheists don't give a rip about gays in the military, so you do have to "be in the pew every Sunday" to be that bigoted.  They're people too and they've got the same right/duty to defend our country as anyone else.  Kids are allowed to pray in schools, the teachers aren't.  The principle isn't allowed to pray over the intercom...  And leave Christmas out of this, most people in America celebrate Christmas, even atheists.  Most of the people who don't celebrate Christmas choose not to out of religious preference.  
     But it can't even end now... "As President, I'll end Obama's war on religion." So *President* Obama has a crazy pastor, is a Muslim and has a war on religion...  That and President Obama had Rick Warren (Author of The Purpose Driven Life) give the invocation at his inauguration.   All at the same time...  Real likely Rick. 
     I wish I were making this up, I really do.  It goes on to say "And I'll fight against liberal attacks on our religious heritage.".  I did a it of digging, and found that 54% of liberals say that their religious faith is VERY important to them.  Granted, among conservatives it's 82%.  But at 54%, if you pull two random liberals off the street, odds are one is a devout christian.
     So, anything else to say, Rick?  I was being sarcastic, noooo please...  But here it is... "Faith made America strong. It can make her strong again. "  Ok, faith made America strong eh?  It wasn't people viciously fighting for their land, rights and lives?  It wasn't our allies, wasn't our weaponry and hard work.  Faith did it all.  Well, we're waiting, faith.  Show us what you got.
     Faith is believing without any evidence whatsoever, that insinuates that people with faith are people who believe without seeing.  If I were to tell you that there were an apple tree on the far side of the moon, and this apple tree regularly produces apples, you'd dismiss me as incorrect immediately.  But there's a god no one can see or interact with...  Seems a bit unfounded to me.

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